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Privacy Statement



Mark Arber Limited is committed to protecting personal data. This statement describes why and how we collect and use personal data and provides information about individuals’ rights. It applies to personal data provided to us, both by individuals themselves and by others. We may use personal data provided to us for any of the purposes described in this privacy statement or as otherwise stated at the point of collection.


Data we collect

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable living person. When “you” or “your” are used in this statement, we are referring to the relevant individual who is the subject of the personal data. We process personal data for numerous purposes, and the means of collection, lawful basis of processing, use, disclosure, and retention periods for each purpose may differ. The main reason for the collection of data is to provide audit, accountancy and taxation services to our clients.



We take the security of all the data we hold very seriously. We have a framework of policies, procedures and training in place covering data protection, confidentiality and security and regularly review the appropriateness of the measures we have in place to keep the data we hold secure.


Sharing of personal data

We will only share personal data with others when we are legally permitted to do so. When we share data with others, we ensure they have security mechanisms in place as appropriate to protect the data and to comply with our data protection, confidentiality and security standards.


Personal data held by us may be transferred to:


Third party organisations that provide applications/functionality, data processing or IT services to us.

We use third parties to support us in providing our services and to help provide, run and manage our internal IT systems. For example, providers of information technology, cloud-based software as a service, identity management, website hosting and management, data analysis, data back-up, security and storage services.


Third party organisations that otherwise assist us in providing goods, services or information. On certain client engagements, we may engage or otherwise work with other providers to help us provide professional services to our clients.


Our clients

Where we need to process personal data to provide professional services to our clients, we may share personal data in our deliverables (such as the reports we create).


Insurers and professional advisers

We have a business insurance policy in place and we may need to share personal data with the insurer, for example, in the event of a claim. We use other professional advisers, for example, law firms, as necessary to establish, exercise or defend legal claims and obtain advice in connection with the running of our business. Personal data may be shared with these advisers as necessary in connection with the products and services they have been engaged to provide to us.


Law enforcement, government and regulatory agencies and third parties as required by, and in accordance with, applicable law or regulation

Occasionally, we may receive requests from third parties with authority to require and compel disclosure of personal data (for example to check that we are complying with applicable law and regulation, to investigate an alleged crime, or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims). We will only comply with such disclosure requests for personal data where we are permitted to do so in accordance with applicable law or regulation.

Sales, mergers, acquisitions and disposals

Other organisations in connection with an actual or potential sale, transfer, disposal, merger or restructure of a part of our business or as part of an acquisition or merger with another business.


Data controller and contact information

We are generally the data controller for the personal data we process when providing professional services. However, we may provide some services, such as consulting, payroll and accounting services, as a data processor (in which case our client is the data controller).


If you have any questions about this privacy statement or how and why we process personal data, please contact us at:


Data Protection Officer

Mark Arber Limited

71-75 Shelton Street

Covent Garden



Individuals’ rights and how to exercise them

Individuals have certain rights over their personal data. Individuals’ rights include the rights:

  • of access,

  • to rectification,

  • to erasure,

  • to restriction of processing,

  • to object to processing

  • to withdraw consent at any time (where processing is based on consent).

More details on these rights can b found on the Information Commissioners Website here.


We hope that you won’t ever need to, but if you do want to complain about our use of personal data, please email the details of your complaint to:


Data Protection Officer

Mark Arber Limited

71-75 Shelton Street

Covent Garden




You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office in the UK. For further information, please visit the ICO’s website here.


This policy was updated 23rd February 2024.

Image by Jack Finnigan


UK Audit & Accountancy

Mark Arber Limited

71-75 Shelton Street

Covent Garden




United Kingdom

Tel: +44  (0)20 3086 7161

Registered as auditors in the United Kingdom by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

Mark Arber Limited 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ

Registered in England & Wales Company Number 08778643

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